Saturday, September 1, 2012

Master Corsona's Game

Master Corsona's Game

Master Corsona is a black widow and a master of dark arts. He mysteriously brings five guests to stay in his home with him. However, who really knows what kind of evil scheme he has planned in his head...


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I am interested in joining, but before I make a reservation I must ask: would we be able to play multiple characters?

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Member for 1 years

Hmm... I would rather for now that you claimed one, but, if time goes by and there's still gaps, I would allow for you to claim two.
Who did you have in mind?

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Member for 0 years

I'm am in love. With this roleplay.

And your profile picture but moving on. I would love to reserve a character as well. However, slightly insane was here first so I give him or her (sorry I can't tell) first dibs. I would love to have the Ginger One human however this is open to change since like I said Slightly Insane gets first dibs. ^-^

~Please and Thank You



"A word to the wise ain't necessary - it's the stupid ones that need the advice."
~Bill Cosby

"A pessimist is a person who has had to listen to too many optimists."
~Don Marquis

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Member for 0 years

I would like to join this roleplay as well, however like sephiraph said, slightlyinsane posted first so, first dibs go to them. I would like to play the nerd though. I'm a patient man. I'll wait.

I reject your reality and replace it with my own.

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Member for 2 years

It makes me laugh how cute some of the icons are here, and yet it's applying for a horror roleplay xD trolololol

Anywho, thanks for the compliment on my icon ^-^ I'm rather fond of it, and if Insane were to claim ginger, who would you take instead?

And Cheater, who would you like to claim, just so I know in my head which of the characters you'd like :3

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Well, probably the land siren actually (Although I'm slightly worried as to the awkwardness of the role *blush* but I can certainly write the part). I've played a lot of hot heads and bossy people so I'm trying to broaden my horizons. ^-^

~Please and Thank You

**Plus, I'd love to play a bad guy/monster for a change.

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I would take the nerd; if Insane takes that one, I'll take the Psychopath. Either one of those would float my boat... I just realized, both of those guys are on totally on the separate ends on the spectrum. I do have one question, I know how the siren, the psychopath, and the vamp got there, but I was wondering how the five guests got there? Was there a letter or something?

Edit: Completely off topic, but I feel the need to share, If you look at Brandon's gif for the entire animation, it looks like he's saying Chimpanzee. I realize it's not what he's actually saying, but it is kind of funny.

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Member for 2 years

Sorry for the wait! I would like to reserve the hot headed one.

EDIT: Huh, it does look like he's saying 'chimpanzee'.

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Member for 1 years

YAY! I can have the Ginger one~ I love you SlightlyInsane almost as much as I love your icon.

No seriously I have been being entertained by it for a while now. ^-^

~Please and Thank You

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Member for 0 years

I'm feeling Mixed emotions here, on one hand I'm happy that I can play the nerd on the other... Well, it's a psychopath. Who doesn't want to rp as the psychopath. *Sigh* I'm a nerd at heart. Alright, I formally would request to reserve the Nerd.

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Haha, thank you! I live that animated short (For the Birds) and was thrilled when I found this avatar. I've thought of changing it, but it's just too entertaining and fits my personality well.

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Member for 1 years

Okay then, can i reserve the bossy one then?

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Member for 0 years

I'd like to reserve master Corsona, if he's open.

Also Question: How much freedom do we have in editing the characters? I mean, I can see that sexuality and gender, as well as a fair chunk of the past, are pretty much decided. But do we have any say in these chunks? Like, is it impossible to make Corsona a female, and instead she killed her husband? (just an example)

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Rock, if you do make Master Corsona. Can I ask a small favor of you, I would like you to say to us when we first walk in, "Please leave all overcoats, canes and top hats with the doorman." If you do that small favor for me, I will be forever in your debt.

For those of you who don't know, that line is a the beginning line to one of PATD songs, it's called "There's a good reason why these tables are numbered Honey, but you haven't thought of it."

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*if* I get it. Well, I dunno, I feel like I should say something more sinister. Like "Please leave all overcoats, canes, and top hats with the bipolar vampire. And also, please do not gawk at the succubus." (joke)

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Now, that I think it... I think that is the only song on "A Fever you Can't Sweat out." That title has anything to do with the song that isn't a metaphor or abstract. I could very well be wrong though.

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