Friday, September 7, 2012

Jerusalem aint israel: screw debbie wasserman schultz

At the democratic convension the idiots brought up jerusalem.

"President Obama felt that it was important that the platform reflect his personal view that Israel has as its capital Jerusalem, and that it will remain its capital."

i hate them sobs

The Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995[1] is a public law of the United States passed by the 104th Congress on October 23, 1995. It was passed for the purposes of initiating and funding the relocation of the Embassy of the United States in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, no later than May 31, 1999, and attempted to withhold 50 percent of the funds appropriated to the State Department specifically for ??Acquisition and Maintenance of Buildings Abroad?? as allocated in fiscal year 1999 until the United States Embassy in Jerusalem had officially opened.[2] The act also called for Jerusalem to remain an undivided city and for it to be recognized as the capital of the State of Israel. Israel's declared capital is Jerusalem, but this is not internationally recognized, pending final status talks in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The United States has withheld recognition of the city as Israel's capital. The proposed law was adopted by the Senate (93?5),[3] and the House (374?37).[4]

Since passage, the law has never been implemented, because of opposition from Presidents Clinton, Bush, and Obama, who view it as a Congressional infringement on the executive branch?s constitutional authority over foreign policy; they have consistently claimed the presidential waiver on national security interests.

Have you contacted your congressman/women lately?

You tell them to sit that stupid bigot down!


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