Saturday, September 29, 2012

US drops Iranian opposition group from terror list

NEW YORK (AP) ? The U.S. has removed from its terrorism list an Iranian militant group formerly allied with Saddam Hussein.

The State Department says the Mujahedeen-e-Khalq hasn't committed terrorism for more than a decade. It credits the group for peacefully leaving its paramilitary base near Iraq's Iranian border.

The decision is effective Friday. Any assets the MEK holds in the U.S. are no longer blocked. Americans may do business with it.

Officials told reporters about the decision last week, ahead of a court-ordered Oct. 1 deadline.

Delisting the MEK infuriates Iran. It accuses the group of continued terrorism.

The MEK helped Islamic clerics overthrow the shah before turning against the Iranian government. It fought in the 1980s alongside Saddam in the Iran-Iraq war but disarmed after the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003.


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Bioengineers introduce 'Bi-Fi' -- The biological 'Internet'

ScienceDaily (Sep. 27, 2012) ? If you were a bacterium, the virus M13 might seem innocuous enough. It insinuates more than it invades, setting up shop like a freeloading houseguest, not a killer. Once inside it makes itself at home, eating your food, texting indiscriminately. Recently, however, bioengineers at Stanford University have given M13 a bit of a makeover.

The researchers, Monica Ortiz, a doctoral candidate in bioengineering, and Drew Endy, PhD, an assistant professor of bioengineering, have parasitized the parasite and harnessed M13's key attributes -- its non-lethality and its ability to package and broadcast arbitrary DNA strands -- to create what might be termed the biological Internet, or "Bi-Fi." Their findings were published online Sept. 7 in the Journal of Biological Engineering.

Using the virus, Ortiz and Endy have created a biological mechanism to send genetic messages from cell to cell. The system greatly increases the complexity and amount of data that can be communicated between cells and could lead to greater control of biological functions within cell communities. The advance could prove a boon to bioengineers looking to create complex, multicellular communities that work in concert to accomplish important biological functions.

Medium and message

M13 is a packager of genetic messages. It reproduces within its host, taking strands of DNA -- strands that engineers can control -- wrapping them up one by one and sending them out encapsulated within proteins produced by M13 that can infect other cells. Once inside the new hosts, they release the packaged DNA message.

The M13-based system is essentially a communication channel. It acts like a wireless Internet connection that enables cells to send or receive messages, but it does not care what secrets the transmitted messages contain.

"Effectively, we've separated the message from the channel. We can now send any DNA message we want to specific cells within a complex microbial community," said Ortiz, the first author of the study.

It is well-known that cells naturally use various mechanisms, including chemicals, to communicate, but such messaging can be extremely limited in both complexity and bandwidth. Simple chemical signals are typically both message and messenger -- two functions that cannot be separated.

"If your network connection is based on sugar then your messages are limited to 'more sugar,' 'less sugar,' or 'no sugar'" explained Endy.

Cells engineered with M13 can be programmed to communicate in much more complex, powerful ways than ever before. The possible messages are limited only by what can be encoded in DNA and thus can include any sort of genetic instruction: start growing, stop growing, come closer, swim away, produce insulin and so forth.

Rates and ranges

In harnessing DNA for cell-cell messaging the researchers have also greatly increased the amount of data they can transmit at any one time. In digital terms, they have increased the bit rate of their system. The largest DNA strand M13 is known to have packaged includes more than 40,000 base pairs. Base pairs, like 1s and 0s in digital encoding, are the basic building blocks of genetic data. Most genetic messages of interest in bioengineering range from several hundred to many thousand base pairs.

Ortiz was even able to broadcast her genetic messages between cells separated by a gelatinous medium at a distance of greater than 7 centimeters.

"That's very long-range communication, cellularly speaking," she said.

Down the road, the biological Internet could lead to biosynthetic factories in which huge masses of microbes collaborate to make more complicated fuels, pharmaceuticals and other useful chemicals. With improvements, the engineers say, their cell-cell communication platform might someday allow more complex three-dimensional programming of cellular systems, including the regeneration of tissue or organs.

"The ability to communicate 'arbitrary' messages is a fundamental leap -- from just a signal-and-response relationship to a true language of interaction," said Radhika Nagpal, professor of computer science at the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University, who was not involved in the research. "Orchestrating the cooperation of cells to form artificial tissues, or even artificial organisms is just one possibility. This opens a door to new biological systems and solving problems that have no direct analog in nature."

Ortiz added: "The biological Internet is in its very earliest stages. When the information Internet was first introduced in the 1970s, it would have been hard to imagine the myriad uses it sees today, so there's no telling all the places this new work might lead."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Stanford University Medical Center. The original article was written by Andrew Myers.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Monica E Ortiz, Drew Endy. Engineered cell-cell communication via DNA messaging. Journal of Biological Engineering, 2012; 6 (1): 16 DOI: 10.1186/1754-1611-6-16

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Calif. creates state-run private retirement plan

(AP) ? California Gov. Jerry Brown signed legislation Friday that will create the nation's first state-administered retirement savings program for private-sector workers, over the objection of critics who said it creates a new liability for taxpayers.

The bill will establish the California Secure Choice Retirement Savings Program for more than 6 million lower-income, private-sector workers whose employers do not offer retirement plans.

The program directs employers to withhold 3 percent of their workers' pay unless the employee opts out of the savings program, which can be done every two years. It would be administered by a seven-member board chaired by the state treasurer. The board would select a professional fund manager, which could be a private investment firm or the state's public pension system, to maintain the money.

State Sen. Kevin De Leon, D-Los Angeles, introduced the bill earlier this year in response to what he called the "looming retirement tsunami" as millions of lower-wage workers face financial hardship in their retirement years. He said the program will act as a supplement to Social Security by offering private-sector workers a portable savings plan with a guaranteed return.

He said the program is not a pension but rather acts as a savings account, which could be a national model for improving retirement savings.

"This is a major step forward for retirement security in America," De Leon said in a statement. "I am grateful for Gov. Brown's acumen and with his leadership we are setting the path for middle class hard-working Americas to prepare for retirement so they won't be forced into poverty."

State Sen. Mimi Walters, R-Lake Forest, called SB1234 the "worst bill to make its way out of the legislature this year" because it would allow the state's main pension system to invest the money.

Walters noted that the California Public Employees' Retirement System is running a shortfall and that the savings program will be controlled by a group of "career politicians."

"SB1234 looks like nothing more than a cynical effort to prop up the floundering public employee pension debt with new funds from private investors," Walters wrote in a blog ahead of the bill signing.

Many cities and counties already pool their contributions along with the state in the public pension system, but taxpayers are on the hook to cover public employee benefits if investment projections fall short.

It's too soon to say what would happen if CalPERS managed the new retirement program, said pension fund's spokesman, Brad Pacheco. CalPERS could create a separate account for private-sector workers, although it's more likely to pool investments with public employees.

CalPERS' fund posted an annual return of just 1 percent last year, missing its own long-term annual target of 7.5 percent. It currently has an estimated long-term unfunded liability of $100 billion.

Democratic lawmakers said the program gives workers more savings options, particularly women working low-paying jobs. Supporters say it will not cost the state money because it will be backed by underwriters and reinsured to protect returns. De Leon noted that the money would be placed into low-risk investments with interest guaranteed at a low rate tied to long-term Treasury bond yields.

Participants would also have to sign a liability waiver stating that California would not be liable for losses.

The bill would not be implemented unless the savings program is projected to be self-sustaining and exempt from federal rules that cover private-sector defined benefit plans. Such plans have to meet minimum standards under the federal Employee Retirement Income Security Act.

The bill also requires the board to submit an annual audit. It was initially opposed by businesses, insurance companies and financial services firms. Business groups such as the California Chamber of Commerce dropped opposition after changes were made to the bill, according to De Leon's staff.

The governor also signed companion legislation under SB923.

Republican lawmakers who opposed the program when it was moving through the Legislature said low-income workers might be better off financially if they put after-tax earnings into a Roth IRA, which would allow them to take their contributions tax-free in retirement.

They also said there were too many unanswered questions about the program. GOP lawmakers said if the underwriter fails to meet investment targets, taxpayers and employers could be held responsible for covering losses and administrative overhead.

Associated Press


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Organ Practice Tips: How to Create Both Feet Equally in Pedal ...

Perhaps you have observed the feet of movie organists in performance? They?re in a position to play the notes with their left foot while pushing numerous toe men for registration improvements and swell boxes. All their pedal strategy is dependent upon the left foot. But, if where both feet approach is necessary theater organist really wants to enjoy conventional wood music, he or she will discover both feet to be used by it extremely hard in the performance. In this article, I will provide the methods which will help theater organists to develop both feet approach on the wood. Beginners at the body with no pedal playing knowledge may additionally find this article helpful.First of all, we?ve to realize that any ability, including pedal playing, must certanly be received through regular and patient exercise. Irrespective of how great you might be at the theater organ, when it involves classical pedal playing, it?s just plain too complicated in the beginning. Do not despair, but, and recognize that you will need certainly to get the exact same methods as you?d in theater organ playing.Majority of music created for enclosed quiet films on theater organs demands frequent subscription and color changes to copy different orchestral instruments and different feelings of video episodes. In doing such music, the organist needs to modify enrollment both by forcing pistons with the thumb or use the foot men with the foot. All of the time, since both of your hands are especially active, theatre organists use the right foot for foot studs and keep just the left foot for pedal enjoying. As a result, they?ve a virtuoso remaining foot process but underdeveloped right foot.What this implies is that when such organists desire to study classical organ arsenal, they?ve to start with some easy pedal exercises to be able to achieve the same potential with the right foot gradually.Do not start practicing pedal machines from the beginning. Though pedal machines are among the most readily useful approaches to develop a great pedal technique at the organ, they are obviously too hard for the novice organist (and for theater organist as well). Pedal scales are too higher level as you need to use toe-heel technique regularly. As that is too complex at first, start with some simple exercises that may maybe not require using pumps in the beginning.Choose alternative bottom exercises first. The pedal exercises that theater organists can exercise are different bottom exercises. Which means they require using left and right feet only in alternation. For instance, play ascending and descending sequences of thirds. Such workout may possibly look like this: D Elizabeth Deborah F Elizabeth H Y A G N A C etc., or C A W G A Y G E F N Elizabeth C Deborah N etc. Furthermore, play descending and ascending lines of fourths: D F D Gary E A Y B etc., or D H W F An Elizabeth G N F D etc. Exercises in fifths will also be great for the beginning: D G D An E B F H etc. or H Y W Elizabeth A Deborah G C etc.Play these exercises legato with different toes in a slow tempo. Different exercises can be chosen by you using pumps as well, because they become easy. Recall, that the progress of the correct pedal strategy requires patient and regular practice. As everything in organ playing, both feet method takes some time to master however it is worth the effort as the entire new dimension of organ music can open up before you.

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Thursday, September 27, 2012

MAINGEAR Announces the ALPHA 24 Super Stock All-in-One PC ...

MAINGEAR Announces the ALPHA 24 Super Stock All-in-One PC
Author: Bob Buskirk

MAINGEAR, an award-winning custom PC builder whose name is known for building quality custom desktops, laptops, and workstations is yet again pushing the envelope of placing performance and quality in PC solutions to heights never before seen. The MAINGEAR ALPHA 24 Super Stock is an all-in-one computer that does not compromise in the way that the form factor is known to do: desktop-level performance.

Unrivaled Power in its Class:
While the MAINGEAR ALPHA 24 like the ALPHA 21 is fully upgradeable, the Super Stock options place components which are much more common in high performance desktop gaming computers in the form factor of an all-in one PC solution. The MAINGEAR ALPHA 24 Super Stock is a touchscreen all-in-one that offers a 95 W Intel Core i7 3770K as the heart of the machine, with a full-sized, desktop discrete NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680 (with options starting with the GeForce GTX 650) to provide gaming prowess that has never before been found in an all-in-one custom computer.

Best of all, each of these components are upgradeable and user serviceable: no need to worry about obsolescence or falling behind the technology race. The ALPHA 24 all in one desktop conforms to Intel?s thin-mini ITX standard, assuring that the motherboard and processors of the future are able to be placed into the machine as well as premium SSD solutions from Corsair provides lightning fast response time for any program or game. The already robust graphics solution is also ensured upgradeability by way of two 8-pin PCI-E power connectors, so that high end graphics can always be placed in the ALPHA 24 without worry.

Ingenious NVIDIA Synergy and Design, Entertainment from all Sources:
The MAINGEAR ALPHA 24 takes advantage of the Intel 3rd generation core processor and the desktop version of NVIDIA Optimus: Synergy. Synergy technology works in tandem with Intel?s HD graphics, allowing for conservative power consumption while watching videos or internet browsing but delivering power on demand with any gaming need. An optional CableCARD tuner also turns the ALPHA 24 into a touch-enabled Media Center; a digital cable-enabled HTPC. The ALPHA 24 also has a HDMI in, allowing a cable box, XBOX 360, PS3, or other device to take advantage of its full HD display.

With its simple and clean design, this 1920 x 1080 glossy touchscreen all-in-one fits everyone?s style and home. Customers can also order the MAINGEAR ALPHA 24 with a custom paint finish that lets the user tailor the all-in-one PC to their aesthetic design.

MAINGEAR ALPHA 24: (Super Stock options)
- Intel Core i3 3240 3.4 GHz, upgradeable to Intel Core i7 3770K
- 8 GB DDR3-1333 standard, up to 16 GB SO-DIMM Memory
- Up to 256 GB Crucial M4 mSATA SSD
- Up to 3 TB mechanical HDD
- Full-size, Nvidia GeForce GTX 650 Graphics, up to GeForce GTX 680
- DVD burner, with Blu-ray optional
- Intel 802.11n, Bluetooth wireless adapter, Optional Bigfoot Killer Wireless
- Expansion slots that include 2 mini PCIe slots and 1 PCIe x 16 slot
- 3 USB 2.0 ports, 1 HDMI port, 4-in-1 card reader/ 1*Mic-in/1*Headphone-out/ 1*slim type ODD
- Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
- Starting at $1,349

?In this day and age, there shouldn?t be a reason anyone would need to compromise for an all-in-one performance PC.?says Wallace Santos, CEO and founder of MAINGEAR. ?Other all-in-one PC solutions pale in comparison to the ALPHA 24 and can be summed up with just a few words: 1080p gaming set to Ultra, maxed anti-aliasing and tessellation.?

Whether it?s the latest PC or console games you want to play or experience full HD movie entertainment, the MAINGEAR ALPHA 24 fits any PC need as well as any lifestyle and will be there to support future generation technology with its upgrade capabilities.

Source: MAINGEAR | News Archive

Tags: All-in-one PC ALPHA 24 Gaming Gaming PC Maingear Super Stock


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AP Interview: Ahmadinejad pushes new world order

NEW YORK (AP) ? After an hour of fielding questions about Syria, sanctions and nuclear weapons, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had enough. Now, he said, it was his turn to choose the topic ? his "new order" which will inevitably replace the current era of what he called U.S. bullying.

Continuing his hectic pace of media appearances and diplomatic meetings, Ahmadinejad presented an air of boredom when it came to the hot topic on everyone's mind ? Iran's nuclear program and the possibility of impending war. Whether it was feigned or sincere, he said he would much rather be talking about his vision of what the next world order might be.

Conveniently, it would be an order in which the U.S. and the traditional powers play a smaller role and every country has equal standing (though the state of Israel, he often predicts, will soon become a historical footnote).

"God willing, a new order will come and will do away with ... everything that distances us," Ahmadinejad told The Associated Press in an interview Tuesday, speaking through a translator. "All of the animosity, all of the lack of sincerity will come to an end. It will institute fairness and justice."

He said the world was losing patience with the current state of affairs.

"Now even elementary school kids throughout the world have understood that the United States government is following an international policy of bullying," he said. "I do believe the system of empires has reached the end of the road. The world can no longer see an emperor commanding it."

The interview was held on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly ? Ahmadinejad's last as president of Iran. He was to address the assembly Wednesday morning.

He also discussed solutions for the Syrian civil war, dismissed the question of Iran's nuclear ambition and claimed that despite Western sanctions his country is better off than it was when he took office in 2005.

Earlier Tuesday, President Barack Obama warned Iran that time is running out to resolve the dispute over its nuclear program. In a speech to the General Assembly, Obama said the United States could not tolerate an Iran with atomic weapons.

Ahmadinejad would not respond directly to the president's remarks, saying he did not want to influence the U.S. presidential election in November.

But he argued that the international outcry over Iran's nuclear enrichment program was just an excuse by the West to dominate his country. He claimed that the United States has never accepted Iran's choice of government after the 1979 Islamic revolution.

"Everyone is aware the nuclear issue is the imposition of the will of the United States," he said. "I see the nuclear issue as a non-issue. It has become a form of one-upmanship."

Ahmadinejad said he favored more dialogue, even though negotiations with world powers remain stalled after three rounds of high-level meetings since April.

He said some world leaders have suggested to him that Iran would be better off holding nuclear talks only with the United States.

"Of course I am not dismissing such talks," he said, asked if he were open to discussions with the winner of the American presidential election.

Israeli leaders, however, are still openly contemplating military action again Iranian nuclear facilities, dismissing diplomacy as a dead end. Israel and many in the West suspect that Iran is seeking to acquire nuclear weapons, and cite its failure to cooperate fully with nuclear inspectors. Iran says its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes only.

Ahmadinejad also proposed forming a new group of 10 or 11 countries to work to end the 18-month Syrian civil war. Representatives of nations in the Middle East and elsewhere would meet in New York "very soon," he said.

Critics have accused Tehran of giving support to Syrian President Bashar Assad in carrying out massacres and other human rights violations in an attempt to crush the uprising against his rule. Activists say nearly 30,000 people have died.

Ahmadinejad said the so-called contact group hopes to get the Syrian government and opposition to sit across from each other.

"I will do everything in my power to create stability, peace and understanding in Syria," Ahmadinejad said, adding that he last spoke with Assad one year ago over the telephone.

Earlier this month, Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi announced the formation of a four-member contact group with Iran, Turkey and Saudi Arabia. But Saudi Arabia so far has not participated.

Ahmadinejad denied Iranian involvement in plotting attacks on Israelis abroad, despite arrests and accusations by police in various countries. He also vehemently disputed the U.S. claim that Iranian agents played a role in a foiled plot to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to the United States last year.

Ahmadinejad will leave office next June after serving two four-year terms. He threw out numbers and statistics during the interview to show that Iran's economy and the lives of average Iranians have improved under his watch. Since his 2005 election, he claimed, Iran went from being the world's 22nd-largest economy to the 17th-largest; non-petroleum related exports increased sevenfold; and the basic production of goods has doubled. Median income increased by $4,000, he said.

"Today's conditions in Iran are completely different to where they were seven years ago in the economy, in technical achievement, in scientific know-how," Ahmadinejad said. "All of these achievements, though, have been reached under conditions in which we were brought under heavy sanctions."

Iran has called for the U.S. and its European allies to ease the sanctions that have hit its critical oil exports and left it blackballed from key international banking networks.

It was not possible to immediately verify most of Ahmadinejad's figures and claims. The CIA's World Factbook says Iran was the world's 18th largest economy last year, as measured by its gross domestic product. It said Iran's "GDP growth remains stagnant" and that the country "continues to suffer from double-digit unemployment and underemployment."

But the Factbook credited Ahmadinejad with spearheading a law to reduce state subsidies that drained the budget and mostly benefited Iran's upper and middle classes.

On other matters, Ahmadinejad said he had no knowledge of the whereabouts of Robert Levinson, a private investigator and former FBI agent who vanished in Iran five years ago. He said he directed Iranian intelligence services two years ago to work with their counterparts in the U.S. to locate him.

"And if any help there is that I can bring to bear, I would be happy to do so," he said.

He also claimed never to have heard of Amir Hekmati, a former U.S. Marine who is imprisoned on espionage charges in Iran. Hekmati was arrested while visiting his grandmothers in Iran in August 2011, and his family has been using Ahmadinejad's visit to New York to plead for his release.

In spite of Ahmadinejad's assertions on the importance of dialogue and respect for others, he has presented a hard line in many areas in this week's media appearances.

He refuses to speak of the state of Israel by name and instead refers only to the "Zionists." And when asked on Monday about author Salman Rushdie, he made no attempt to distance himself from recent renewed threats on the author's life emanating from an Iranian semi-official religious foundation.

"If he is in the U.S.," said the president of Iran, "you should not broadcast it for his own safety."


Associated Press writers Edith M. Lederer and Wendy Benjaminson contributed to this report.


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Sweden's H&M: Q3 profit rose slightly

STOCKHOLM (AP) ? Swedish fashion retailer Hennes and Mauritz on Thursday reported a tiny 1 percent rise in third-quarter net profits, saying that although its clothing lines sold well in the beginning of the summer, the European financial crisis and poor weather conditions in August restrained consumption more than expected at the end of the period.

It also said it plans to launch a new fashion brand, & Other Stories, in the first half of next year, which will be located in separate stores. The clothes will focus more on quality and will be higher priced than its normal fashion lines.

The Stockholm-headquartered group posted a net profit of 3.6 billion kronor ($549 million) in the three-month period, up slightly from 3.59 billion kronor in the year-ago period. Aside from lower-than-expected sales at the end of the summer, currency fluctuations also hurt its income.

Revenues came to 33.57 billion kronor, up from 31.51 billion kronor, but the gross margin shrank to 58.2 percent from 58.6 percent.

H&M said it will ramp up its expansion rate for the full year 2012, planning to open 300 new stores instead of the previously planned 275.


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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

100dayLoans: The Rapidly Funds Financial loans Firm that can help ...

Article by Tracey Foster

100dayLoans: The Rapidly Cash Loans Company that can support you ? Finance

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Report: More fees, less choice for air travelers

WASHINGTON (AP) ? Airline passengers can expect fewer carriers to choose from, fewer flights to smaller cities and more baggage and other fees as the industry continues to grapple with high fuel prices and a weak economy, according to a government report released Tuesday.

The airline industry is still in transition after a tumultuous decade in which bankruptcies and mergers cut the number of airlines accounting for the bulk of domestic flights in half, to just five: American, Delta, Southwest, United and US Airways, the report by the Department of Transportation's inspector general said. If US Airways and American ? which are in merger discussions ? were to combine, that would drop to four.

There are dozens of other airlines in the U.S., but collectively those smaller carriers account for less than 15 percent of total passenger traffic. Twelve years ago, there were ten major U.S. airlines accounting for 90 percent of domestic flights. But high fuel prices, the 2008 recession and a slow economic recovery have taken a toll, the report said.

In 2000, fuel costs were just 10 percent of airline operating expenses. Fuel costs peaked at 40 percent of expenses in 2008, outdistancing payroll as the airlines' biggest expense. Last year, fuel accounted for 35 percent of expenses.

Less competition has enabled airlines to try to offset higher costs by eliminating less profitable flights to smaller cities, the report said. Airlines cut the number of scheduled domestic flights by 14 percent between June 2007 and June 2012, the report said. As a result, flights have fewer empty seats and airlines have been able to increase fares, especially on short-haul flights.

Last year, the industry attempted 22 fare increases, of which 11 were successful, the report said. Airfare increases are considered successful if competitors also adopt an increase. If there's not widespread matching by other airlines, the result is usually a withdrawal of the original increase. So far this year airlines have attempted eight fare increases, four of which have been successful, the report said.

Since 2008, airlines have also supplemented their fares by charging a wide range of fees for services that in most cases used to be free. Baggage fees alone contributed $2.7 billion in added revenue to airlines last year. Besides fees for checked bags, at least two airlines ? Allegiant and Spirit ? now charge passengers for carry-on bags.

As a result of these trends, the industry in general has become profitable again after years of red ink. And having fewer flights has resulted in a drop in flight delays and cancellations.

"The good news is that the (carrier) consolidation and ancillary fee revenue stream have stabilized the airline industry," said Kevin Mitchell, chairman of the Business Travel Coalition, which represents corporate travel managers. "The bad news is airlines can disregard consumers' interests much more easily when there are fewer carriers."

John Heimlich, vice president and chief economist for Airlines for America, a trade association representing major airlines, said one reason airlines have cut back on flights is that more passengers traveling less than 700 miles are choosing other forms of transportation such as cut-rate intercity buses and Amtrak's higher-speed Acela trains in the Northeast. He said some people would also rather drive than hassle with security checks in the post-9/11 world.

"Airlines have been more cautious about avoiding a glut of seats in the marketplace relative to the demand, and such caution has helped the industry get back on more solid financial footing," Heimlich said.


Follow Joan Lowy at



Department of Transportation Office of the Inspector General


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Aviation: Finnair Goes Green with Eco Friendly Jet Engines - Typepad


Finland's flag carrier Finnair has selected IAE International Aero Engines AG to supply engines for the airline's five new Airbus A321 extended range aircraft, which will join the Finnish airline's fleet in September 2013.

The IAE V2533-A5 engines will offer Finnair a significant advantage in fuel efficiency over competing air carriers, saving the airline about 300 tons of fuel per year per aircraft, according to Airbus test data, the Finnish airline says.

The engines also operate well within noise limitations set by ICAO and the European Union.

Finnair announced in June 2010 an order for five Airbus aircraft to replace the four Boeing 757s currently in the air Finnish air carrier's fleet.

Quieter, More Comfortable, More Fuel Efficient

The new Airbus 321s will be quieter and more comfortable for passengers as well as about 5% more fuel efficient than its existing airplanes. The move also enables more flexibility and interoperability between European scheduled and leisure flights, driving up aircraft utilization and further reducing per-passenger emissions.

?The IAE engines on these aircraft allow us to enhance the customer experience while also saving on fuel costs and making a substantial dent in our carbon profile,? says Chief Operating Officer Ville Iho.

?They are essential to remaining competitive in the tough market in European narrow-body traffic, both scheduled and leisure.?

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Court finds 3 Swiss guilty of aiding nuclear ring

GENEVA (AP) ? A court in Switzerland found three men guilty Tuesday of helping supply material and know-how to Libya's atomic weapons program almost a decade ago, but approved a plea bargain that cited the defendants' cooperation with the CIA as a mitigating circumstance.

The Swiss Federal Criminal Court sentenced Urs Tinner, 46 and his brother Marco, 43, to prison terms that are shorter than the time they have already spent in investigative custody. Their 74-year-old father, Friedrich, received a suspended sentence. All three had pleaded guilty and were ordered to pay fines and substantial legal costs.

The case shed rare light on the U.S. intelligence agency's successful operation to destroy the nuclear smuggling network of Abdul Qadeer Khan, the architect of Pakistan's nuclear weapons program.

Khan built up an international network selling equipment to countries with nuclear weapons ambitions during the 1990s. Swiss prosecutors alleged all three Tinners were involved in the smuggling ring and supplied key equipment and blueprints for the production of gas centrifuges that are needed to enrich uranium to weapons grade levels.

Urs Tinner claimed in a 2009 interview with Swiss television that he had tipped off the CIA about a delivery of centrifuge parts destined for Libya's nuclear weapons program. The shipment was seized at the Italian port of Taranto in October 2003, forcing Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi to admit and eventually renounce his efforts to acquire nuclear weapons technology.

Swiss prosecutors said there was evidence the Tinners had cooperated with U.S. officials since at least June 18, 2003, and that the three engineers had manipulated the centrifuge parts intended for Libya to ensure they wouldn't function properly.

The CIA declined to comment on the verdict Tuesday. But the agency has said in the past that "the disruption of the A.Q. Khan network was a genuine intelligence success, one in which the CIA played a key role."

"It's ironic that the ones who cooperated with the CIA did the most jail time," said David Albright, founder of the Washington-based Institute for Science and International Security. Most of those involved in the smuggling ring ? including Khan himself ? have escaped serious punishment.

Urs Tinner spent 1,536 days in investigative custody, while his brother Marco was detained for 1,237 days before being released on bail. The long detentions resulted partly from the complexity of the prosecution and partly from the Swiss government's decision in 2007 to destroy evidence in the case ? reportedly after pressure from the United States.

"From a prosecution point of view the case is closed now," Switzerland's attorney general, Michael Lauber, told The Associated Press after the verdict.

Judges at the court in Bellinzona suggested that the Tinners should have received harsher punishments, but approved the plea bargain, saying a successful prosecution would have been unlikely because of the destruction of evidence.


Jordans contributed from Berlin.


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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

News consumption of political stories not enough to retain political knowledge

News consumption of political stories not enough to retain political knowledge [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 25-Sep-2012
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Contact: Nathan Hurst
University of Missouri-Columbia

Teens must think about and discuss politics to learn, MU study finds

A strong democracy depends on smart voters who choose their leaders based on their knowledge of important political issues. One of the ways that Americans learn about politics is by following the news. Now, researchers from the University of Missouri School of Journalism have found that simply following the news is not enough.

A panel survey involving more than 1,200 teenagers from 12 to 17 years of age found that adolescents learn more about politics when they think and talk about what they read or watch on the news. Edson Tandoc, a doctoral student at MU, found that adolescents who spend more time thinking and talking about the news with their peers and relatives tend to know more about political developments in the country.

"This is important because an individual's political identity begins long before one is eligible to vote," Tandoc said. "Our political identity is not shaped overnight and so it is important to start molding our future voters while they are still young."

Tandoc and his adviser, Esther Thorson, a professor and associate dean for graduate studies and research in the MU School of Journalism, analyzed two surveys conducted six months apart. The first survey, conducted six months before the 2008 presidential elections, asked teenagers how frequently they followed the news, how much they thought about the news, and how often they discussed political news with their peers and relatives. The second survey conducted right after the elections asked the same teenagers several questions about politics to measure their levels of political knowledge.

What Tandoc found is that news consumption does not directly lead to political knowledge. Instead, news consumption leads to thinking about the news which then leads to engagement in discussions about the news, which finally ends with political learning.

"Engaging teenagers in the political process is vital for the future of democracy," Tandoc said. "Our study shows that if parents and educators want to increase political knowledge and action among younger generations, it is important to involve them in discussions about what they are reading in the news. Just giving them a story to read is not enough. Teenagers need to be able to think through and talk about political issues in order to retain knowledge about them."


Tandoc and Thorson presented the results of their study during the Association for Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) conference in Chicago last month.

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News consumption of political stories not enough to retain political knowledge [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 25-Sep-2012
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Contact: Nathan Hurst
University of Missouri-Columbia

Teens must think about and discuss politics to learn, MU study finds

A strong democracy depends on smart voters who choose their leaders based on their knowledge of important political issues. One of the ways that Americans learn about politics is by following the news. Now, researchers from the University of Missouri School of Journalism have found that simply following the news is not enough.

A panel survey involving more than 1,200 teenagers from 12 to 17 years of age found that adolescents learn more about politics when they think and talk about what they read or watch on the news. Edson Tandoc, a doctoral student at MU, found that adolescents who spend more time thinking and talking about the news with their peers and relatives tend to know more about political developments in the country.

"This is important because an individual's political identity begins long before one is eligible to vote," Tandoc said. "Our political identity is not shaped overnight and so it is important to start molding our future voters while they are still young."

Tandoc and his adviser, Esther Thorson, a professor and associate dean for graduate studies and research in the MU School of Journalism, analyzed two surveys conducted six months apart. The first survey, conducted six months before the 2008 presidential elections, asked teenagers how frequently they followed the news, how much they thought about the news, and how often they discussed political news with their peers and relatives. The second survey conducted right after the elections asked the same teenagers several questions about politics to measure their levels of political knowledge.

What Tandoc found is that news consumption does not directly lead to political knowledge. Instead, news consumption leads to thinking about the news which then leads to engagement in discussions about the news, which finally ends with political learning.

"Engaging teenagers in the political process is vital for the future of democracy," Tandoc said. "Our study shows that if parents and educators want to increase political knowledge and action among younger generations, it is important to involve them in discussions about what they are reading in the news. Just giving them a story to read is not enough. Teenagers need to be able to think through and talk about political issues in order to retain knowledge about them."


Tandoc and Thorson presented the results of their study during the Association for Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) conference in Chicago last month.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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Get Your Note in First! :: Fresh Updates from RAC

I once spoke at a synagogue in the United States, when I was confronted by a woman. She had come with her 16-year-old grandson to hear me talk about IRAC?s work fighting for pluralism. She had brought him along because she wanted him to connect to Israel. She told me that he loved my message. But as a result, he wanted nothing to do with Israel. ??I shudder to think how many times I became so immersed in my desire to make everyone I meet push back against the Orthodox monopoly in Israel that I also pushed them away from Israel. Has the same feeling occurred to any of you reading this weekly newsletter? If the answer is yes, then I ask for your forgiveness.

IRAC is passionate about fighting for social justice in Israel. The reason we are so zealous about our work is that we believe that one day Israel will be a pluralistic society; one day we will remember the time when women were forced to sit in the back of the bus, kept from speaking on the radio, and forced off billboards, and look back at it as a crazy blip on Israel?s road to becoming a mature democracy. ??To realize this vision we need Jews (and non-Jews) living outside of Israel to be aware of the challenges that we face, but also to feel hopeful that these challenges can be overcome.?? Every year, after the High Holidays, the Western Wall is made ready for the new year?s prayers. Immediately after Yom Kippur, the Kotel is cleaned of all the previous year?s notes. This is done with great care and respect and the small pieces of paper are taken to a geniza to be given a symbolic burial. ??We want all of you to be among the first to send their wishes to the Kotel this coming year.

Click here to write your own message. We will take it over to the Western Wall immediately after the Holidays. ??We pray with our hearts but we also need to pray with our hands.? The coming year will provide ample opportunities for both. ??May we all find meaning at this Yom Kippur day.



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Monday, September 24, 2012

Chinese and Western instruments combine for concert

Blending the musical essence of Chinese and Western instruments, Jacqueline Au and others will perform classical pieces and popular tunes at Gateway Theatre on Friday, Sept. 21.

Music Without Borders V will feature solo, duet and ensemble numbers, with musicians playing guzheng, piano and violin.

The Sept. 21 show begins at 7:30 p.m. at the Minoru Park theatre. Tickets are $30 to $48 at or 604-270-1812.

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'Watch,' 'House,' 'Curve' land in photo finish

This film image released by Open Road Films shows Michael Pena, left, and Jake Gyllenhaal in a scene from "End of Watch." (AP Photo/Open Road Films, Scott Garfield)

This film image released by Open Road Films shows Michael Pena, left, and Jake Gyllenhaal in a scene from "End of Watch." (AP Photo/Open Road Films, Scott Garfield)

LOS ANGELES (AP) ? Hollywood is in photo-finish mode with three new movies bunched up tightly for the No. 1 spot during a sleepy weekend at the box office.

Studio estimates Sunday put two movies in a tie for first-place with $13 million each: Jake Gyllenhaal and Michael Pena's police story "End of Watch" and Jennifer Lawrence's horror flick "House at the End of the Street."

And right in the same ballpark is Clint Eastwood and Amy Adams' baseball tale "Trouble with the Curve," which opened with $12.7 million.

Actual rankings will be determined Monday as studios release final numbers for the weekend.

No matter which movie comes out on top, it was another slow weekend for Hollywood, whose business has been sluggish since late summer. Revenues were down for the fourth-straight weekend.

Associated Press


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Do You Have Bad Relationship Karma? Here's How to Shake it ...


Everyone has found themselves in a hurtful, disastrous or even simply confusing relationship a time or two in their lives. If you?re fortunate and wise enough, you learn from past relationship mistakes and grow from them. But for others, heart breaks happen over and over again because they repeat these mistakes, even when there are overpowering signs that their destructive behaviors are sabotaging any chances of a happy partnership. It?s bad relationship karma, and if you think the Love Gods have turned their backs on you, maybe it?s because you are attracting what you are?and life is mirroring what you are portraying or putting out into the Universe. If you?re not happy with the way your relationships have been going and you think the energy you?re giving isn?t giving you anything back, here are some ways to improve your relationship karma?and possibly get you the love you want. ' + '' + '' + google_ads[0].line1 + '' + '' + '' + '' + google_ads[0].visible_url + '' + '' + '' + google_ads[0].line2 + '?' + google_ads[0].line3 + '

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Sunday, September 23, 2012

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Trader Joe's recalls peanut butter linked to salmonella

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Saturday, September 22, 2012

Mom's letter: Gillispie verbally abused son often

(AP) ? The mother of a teenager at Billy Gillispie's summer basketball camp claims in a letter to a top school administrator that the former Texas Tech coach repeatedly verbally abused her son, according to a document obtained Friday by The Associated Press.

The woman wrote that other coaches at the camp told her 17-year-old son that Gillispie "likes to pick someone and try to 'break them' for some reason," and that the young man "wasn't doing anything wrong," according to a letter to Texas Tech's chancellor obtained through an open records request.

Gillispie resigned from Texas Tech on Thursday, citing health concerns after he was hospitalized twice in the past month. The 52-year-old Gillispie stepped down amid allegations he mistreated players on his team.

The mother's name is redacted in the Aug. 20 letter to university chancellor Kent Hance. No written reply was made but Hance called the Texas Tech alum, who is a teacher, to discuss the matter, officials said.

On the camp's first day in late June the woman's son, now a high school senior, overthrew a pass to another camper.

"It happens," the mother wrote in her letter. "That's the only thing he thought brought on the barrage of insults spurted from the mouth of your coach Gillispie. This was the first of many such verbal attacks."

On Aug. 29, several Texas Tech players went to athletic director Kirby Hocutt with claims of mistreatment by Gillispie.

Two days later, the school announced it was scrutinizing Gillispie and his leadership. The same day reported that Gillispie made players practice long hours, which led to injuries.

Just hours before Gillispie and Hocutt were to meet Aug. 31 to discuss the players' claims, the coach called 911 and was taken to a Lubbock hospital where he stayed for six days. A week later Gillispie traveled to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., where he said he was treated for kidney problems, abnormal headaches and high blood pressure. He returned to Lubbock Sept. 14.

He said doctors ordered him to avoid stress for 30 days. Hocutt removed Gillispie from making day-to-day decisions about the program so he could focus on his health. Chris Walker, who took over day-to-day operations, will remain in that position until an interim head coach is chosen.

On Sept. 5, the school disclosed it had reprimanded Gillispie and an assistant in January for exceeding practice-time limits last fall. Hocutt docked the team twice the number of hours that Gillispie had exceeded during a two-week period in October, or 12 hours and 20 minutes.

The NCAA allows 20 hours of practice per week.

Gillispie did not immediately return a message seeking comment. Athletic department spokesman Blayne Beal said Hocutt declined comment on the latest allegations against Gillispie.

The mother also said Gillispie had little interaction with the campers, "other than to walk around and briefly look on as they worked out ? and scream rude remarks, apparently, as he saw fit."

She thought about pulling her son from the overnight camp June 24-27 but she and her husband, also an educator, decided it was important for her son to learn how to deal with all types of people, the letter states. Her son just stayed away from Gillispie, befriended other coaches and "did his best to stay with them, so there would be witnesses," the mother wrote.

Nothing excuses Gillispie's actions, she wrote near the end of the 1?-page letter to Hance.

"Coach Gillispie's behavior was inappropriate and unnecessary," the mother wrote. "Our job as teachers is to motivate and educate and empower. It is not our job to attempt to break a child's spirit through constant insult and negative feedback."

Associated Press


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