Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Parenting Styles | Articles Fancy

Ideally, is there such a thing as a universal parenting style? Or, rather than leaning on one universal method, do the best parents use a mixture of techniques for raising their kids? Issues like this are the focus of this article, as well as taking a further look at various parenting styles. There are 3 primary parenting methods that experts have identified. They are called the authoritarian, permissive, and authoritative style. When considering parental styles, consider the impact each will on a child?s behavior and overall development.

The authoritarian style parent makes rules and expects children to follow them, no exception. This method is free of input from the children themselves. This style is inflexible, and can prevent a child from forming the ability to think for themselves. If authoritarian parents don?t explain their expectations, a child may not understand why rules are imposed. If and when rules are broken, a child may expect harsh punishment without any positive re-enforcement.

In contrast, the authoritative style relies more on input from the children. Express rules and guidelines are in place, but parents thoroughly communicate their expectations to the children. Parents using this style will take the time to explain the rules they have in place to their children. Also, a child knows that they can expect consequences if they disregard the rules their parents have put in place. In contrast to the authoritarian style of raising children, authoritative parents reinforce discipline with love and warmth. The relationship enjoys mutual communication; the child may give their opinions and express their feelings, and the parent will make an effort to listen.

Another style of parenting is known as permissive. A permissive parent will not set limits or boundaries. Children who enjoy a permissive upbringing usually end up hard to deal with. These parents don?t set many rules, instead allowing their children to do what they want. This means that the parents will not invoke discipline in order to try and correct bad behavior. Without grounding from parental discipline, children may grow to resent authority, act out, and behave anti-socially. The home life can suffer, as parents fail to control their children?s behavior.

What realistically happens is that parents use a mix of the styles, and not solely one particular style. That said, some parents may fall back on using one style more often than the other. If the parents are mindful of keeping parenting a democratic process, things will work out better for the child. Authoritarian parents may produce children who are too hesitant to speak up for themselves, becoming timid, introverted, and having low self-esteem. Overly permissive parents may wind up with disruptive, aggressive, or even violent children in their house.

A balance must be struck; parents should be both gentle on their kids and firm with them. Simply expecting their kids to blindly adhere to rules is not encouraged; the best parents will know when and how to adjust. Parents should allow input from their kids, in the hopes that a more democratic approach will result in children who are more cooperative in the future.

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