Friday, January 6, 2012

Video: Republican field targets Romney

>> of "meet the press" has a timely debate sunday morning. let's talk about mitt romney 's strategy saying i've got momentum coming out of iowa . if i believe the polling in new hampshire i have a sizeable lead there, i'm going to go to south carolina and try to deliver a knockout punch. is it risky or smart?

>> i think it's where the evidence takes him frankly at this point. nobody's ever won iowa and then new hampshire . he becomes a prohibitive favorite going into south carolina if he goes 2-0. he knows it's a super bowl for social conservatives down in south carolina but rick perry still being in the race dilutes the field, going up gingrich, santorum and perry and paul and they're going to attack each other along the way particularly in south carolina .

>> if he eases up in new hampshire and another candidate has a surprisingly strong showing, someone like a jon huntsman , doesn't that renew the doubt in the minds of people already sitting on the fence about mitt romney in.

>> no question about it. huntsman made a decision to camp out in new hampshire , so we can't say before the voting starts what kind of a connection he's had. we see he's still farther down in the polls and it seems to be a long shot and remember that romney has a network in new hampshire building for a long time which is why he has a sizeable lead. what is romney doing in terms of attacking the others? he hasn't gone after rick santorum , he's poised to do so himself perfectly and the super pac on his behalf. until then you don't see the romney camp overly concerned about santorum yet.

>> when you hear the things the pundits are saying about him and listen the stump speech and hear what he has to say and "the boston globe " endorsement, joe klein "he's proposed the most thoughtful initiatives, he's flips none of romneys flops on social issues." people say this guy is a great candidate. why hasn't he broken through? i know he didn't spend a lot of time in iowa but why aren't more people talking about him?

>> a lot of people view him as discordant in this primary aseason. doesn't have tea party support, not a favorite among the conservative base. he worked as president obama 's ambassador to china. he hasn't taken off the establishment where romney 's been able to absorb the support. it's a question of how you get defined in a race. you define yourself, others define you. very little of either is happening for jon huntsman . a lot of people liking him are they enough taking a hard look.

>> mitt romney , front-runner, new ad, let's take a look.

>> romney 's economic plan, timid. parts of it virtually identical to obama's failed policy. timid won't create jobs and timid certainly won't defeat barack obama . newt gingrich 's bold leadership --

>> david, newt gingrich at this moment in your opinion, is he still a viable candidate or simply playing the role of spoiler?

>> republicans i talked to kind of all levels do not believe that he can be the nominee. he certainly has a lot of fight in him and we've got two debates including ours coming up on sunday where i think he will try to regain some momentum here. he wants to cast romney as a moderate here he tries to link him with president obama . there's a quality to his campaign he's casting back and forth, not being as focused as he, himself, said he needed to be. he still thinks beyond new hampshire , south carolina is a place he could have impact. even if you're gingrich, you look at the diluted race. there is not one alternative to romney who has yet to emerge. that hurts those trying to be that person and makes it easier for romney .

>> david, before you go, sunday you'll be moderating this kaepts candidates' debate. there have been a lot of debates, 16 the last count. what's your approach going to be?

>> i want to break new ground and unlike the other debates the clock is ticking. this is time to pin the candidates down on areas where there is still doubt and where they face obstacles to the nomination. i think there are so many americans anxious about where the country is headed. it's an important debate to try to allow them to know the candidates better.

>> good luck with that. we will be watching. david gregory thank you so much. catch the debate this sunday on "meet the press."


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