Friday, December 30, 2011

HotAirPundit: Gingrich Communications Director on CNN: If We ...

What? Top 5? Are you kidding? We are really tamping down expectations now. Newt's Communications Director, Joe DeSantis on CNN a short time ago is now talking about the top 5 in Iowa. Candy Crowley asks him about Newt's 19 point drop. DeSantis attributes the drop to millions of dollars in negative advertising against Gingrich. DeSantis says South Carolina and Florida is where Newt's strength is.

Let me say if Newt finishes 4th or 5th in Iowa, it would be a blow to his (or anybody's) campaign, especially when they were leading previously. Take a listen to this interview from CNN this evening.

He wasn't done. Gingrich Communications Director Joe DeSantis says at the end of the day, Newt will be on the ballot in Virginia because "the legislature and the Governor of Virginia will err on the side of democracy and give the people of Virginia a chance to vote for the candidate they want"

Huh? What is he talking about? There's no evidence of that whatsoever. I think Joe DeSantis is Newt Gingrich's Mark Block. Here's the video


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